
The Future of Grain

 ProPricing is a grain marketing service by Cargill that has a set-it-and-forget-it philosophy. Each year a goal is set to enroll farmers in a grain plan that will top the previous years' numbers. Through brochures, a custom publication, and a new ap

ProPricing is a grain marketing service by Cargill that has a set-it-and-forget-it philosophy. Each year a goal is set to enroll farmers in a grain plan that will top the previous years' numbers. Through brochures, a custom publication, and a new app, enrollment numbers are topped each year. 

AD: Paige Behrens CW: Colleen Mulheran CD: Walt Burns

 An endless paper grain marketing form was transformed into a seamless app. 

An endless paper grain marketing form was transformed into a seamless app. 

 Cargill customers received a custom publication in their mailboxes. This gave them the download on why they should partner with a trusted source like Cargill. 

Cargill customers received a custom publication in their mailboxes. This gave them the download on why they should partner with a trusted source like Cargill.